New Website – Make My Money Make Sense!

We know we’ve been “ghost” for a little while and all we can say is that a lot has happened during the period that we were all dealing with Covid-19. Part of what happened is we were in the Bat Cave deep in work. So today we have two VERY special announcements to make.
ANNOUNCEMENT #1 – The launch of Make My Money Make Sense
We’re very pleased to announce the launch of Make My Money Make Sense – our new financial education and money management website!
This site has been in “development” for a little over 2 years and is the culmination of all those YouTube videos we’ve created. 😁It talks about all things money management for businesses and individuals via our blog, videos and course page.
While it’s being rolled out with a small amount of content, look for it to quickly grow as we finalize some things in the very near future.
A few quick links to check out:
• Website
• Blog article explaining the site and related video explaining George Floyd’s inspiration of this endeavor (we bypassed the beginning of the video so it starts right at the point where Jared tells the story of creating the YouTube channel – which ultimately was being done to roll videos into this site upon completion).
ANNOUNCEMENT #2 – The launch of our first online course
With the launch of Make My Money Make Sense – comes the launch of our first online course! How to File Back Taxes – A Step By Step Guide is now available for purchase. This course is an expansion of our most viewed YouTube video How To File Back Tax Returns | TCC and will teach:
- Those who have back taxes and are looking for a course how to solve them via a DIY method or,
- Tax professionals who want to learn the nuances of filing back tax returns so they can either solve their client’s problems OR learn how to add this valuable service offering to their product line up.
To celebrate, from now until 11:30PM CST on December 31st 2022, customers can get it for 50% off the $97 normal price. To claim the discount use the coupon code “HOLIDAY50” at checkout (case sensitive). If you have any issues using the code just contact us via the email or phone number in the footer of this post.
To purchase the course or learn more you can visit the course and products page on the website or go straight to the sales page.
That’s all for now. Look for us to get back to creating blog content on a more “regular” basis in the very near future!